Cuulong Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI) is the Mekong delta’s premier governmental institution with the specialization in rice study. The Institute is a major force in Vietnam agricultural science and occupies a leading position in the nation as a dynamic source for innovative research and teaching. CLRRI works closely with industry, business and public research bodies nationally and internationally to ensure its programs are relevant to today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world. The primary functions of the Institute are as follows:
■ to carry out basic and applied research in all disciplines of rice and other crop science and Mekong delta's agricultural systems in order to devise ways and means of increasing yield, and improve protection and conservation of rice and other agricultural products
■ to set up and implement research programs in collaboration with domestic and international organizations in rice research and rice-based farming systems
■ to transfer scientific and technical advances in agriculture
■ to train regional agro-technical staffs and farmers
■ to produce and supply rice seed
Geographically, the Institute covers the whole of the Mekong delta of Vietnam's southern part. Its focus is to provide the environment to pursue the academic study of rice issues in a comparative, international framework. CLRRI has thirteen research departments those conduct research on all aspects of rice production and rice-based farming systems in the Mekong delta. Besides, CLRRI has one technology transfer center, one skill training school and four supporting departments responsible for financial, administrative, personnel and research management. It is working toward the government's goal, which is to raise rice production and quality in the Mekong delta.The Institute's headquarter at Omon district of Cantho province has an area of 360 hectares of land, out of which 30 hectares devoted for experimental farm and 220 for rice seed multiplication. Hundred percent of the area is irrigated. The rest 110 hectares are under roads and buildings of the CLRRI estate.
CLRRI history:
In 1975, the location of a rice research institute in the Mekong delta was suggested by Professor Luong DinhCua, a Vietnamese popular agriculture scientist and director of the Food Crops Research Institute. An agreement was soon made between Prime Minister Pham Van Dong of Vietnam and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India in which Madam Gandhi promised to support the construction of the rice research institute. Its location was in the central part of the delta and near the major city of Cantho and its university.
The Institute was founded in January 8th, 1977 at Thoi Thanh village, Omon district of Cantho province as Cuulong Delta Agricultural Technology Center. The main building program commenced in 1980 with a project office and guesthouses. Indian experts, each of whom had a 2-4 year contract, occupied them from 1982 to 1989. Later, the main laboratory building was commenced in 1982 with 108 rooms, which are now comprehensively equipped. In 1985, the center was renamed as present.
In the past time, CLRRI always got funding problem due to limited budget. Nowadays, funds have been provided mainly from the government. The remainder comes from sales of improved rice seeds and by contract research with agricultural companies, regional provincial authorities and international organizations.
CLRRI staff:
PhD 27
MSc 73
BSc 63
Colleges 1
Technicians 22